All-on-4 Dental Implants

All Inclusive Price: Extractions and Bone Grafts Included



Permanent placement with natural feeling replacement teeth. 

Help you smile and talk with greater confidence while keeping a natural feel.

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All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants in Hialeah, FL and surrounding areas of Miami Springs, Westview, Gladeview, and Pinewood 

All-on-X dental implants refer to a revolutionary procedure in restorative dentistry where a full arch of teeth is supported on a set number of dental implants, typically ranging from four to six. The "X" in "All-on-X" denotes the number of implants used. The procedure is designed for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth in an arch (either upper, lower, or both) and are seeking a permanent solution. Unlike traditional dentures, which can be removed, All-on-X implants are fixed in the mouth, providing a more stable and natural-feeling alternative. The implants are strategically placed in areas of the jaw with the highest bone density, ensuring optimal support. This method not only restores the patient's smile but also preserves facial structure, prevents bone loss, and enhances chewing efficiency. All-on-X dental implants offer a transformative solution for those looking for a blend of durability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal in teeth replacement.

How Does All-on-4 Work?

The All-on-X procedure is a well-orchestrated synergy of dental technology and surgical precision. Here's a breakdown of its functioning:

Consultation & planning: Initially, patients undergo a comprehensive dental examination, which includes X-rays and 3D imaging. This aids dentists in understanding the jawbone's structure, planning implant positioning, and designing the prosthetic teeth.

Strategic implant placement: During the procedure, a specific number of implants (often four, five, or six) are surgically inserted into the jawbone. These implants act as artificial tooth roots and are typically made of titanium due to its biocompatible nature.

Immediate load prosthesis: One of the standout features of All-on-X is the ability to fix a provisional prosthetic arch on the same day as implant placement in many cases. This means patients can leave with a new set of teeth immediately after the procedure.

Osseointegration: Over time, the implants fuse with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This creates a strong foundation for the prosthetic teeth and ensures stability and longevity. If you are considering all-on-x, you should see if you're a good candidate.

Final prosthesis placement: After the healing period, which can last a few months, the provisional prosthesis is replaced with a final, custom-designed arch tailored to fit the patient's mouth perfectly and match the natural aesthetics of their smile.

More Information: In essence, All-on-X works by combining the strength of strategic implant placement with the beauty of custom-designed prosthetic teeth, offering patients a complete and long-lasting dental restoration solution.

Am I a Good Candidate for All-on-4?

Determining if you're an ideal candidate for the All-on-X procedure involves evaluating various health and dental factors:

Tooth Loss

The primary candidates for All-on-X are individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both arches and are seeking a full-arch restoration. This could be due to gum disease, decay, trauma, or other reasons.

Jawbone Density

A sufficient amount of jawbone is necessary to support the implants. However, the advantage of All-on-X is that even if bone loss has occurred, the implants are strategically placed in areas of maximum bone density, often negating the need for bone grafts.

Oral Health

Ideal candidates should be free from active gum disease or infections. Any oral health issues should be addressed before the implant procedure.

Overall Health

It's essential for patients to be in good general health as this procedure involves surgery. Conditions like uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders might affect healing and could be contraindications.


Smoking can impair the healing process and may decrease the success rate of dental implants. While non-smokers are ideal candidates, smokers should consider quitting or, at the least, abstaining for a period before and after the surgery.


Being willing to follow post-operative care instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene practices is crucial for the longevity of All-on-X implants.

All-on-4 Dental Implant Costs in Hialeah, FL

All-on-x implant pricing graph

Looking to see what the average price for all-on-4 dental implants is in Hialeah, FL? The graphic above showcases a low price for all-on-4 dental implants, the median price that patients typically pay, and then an above-average price for all-on-4 dental implants. At Implant Center of Hialeah, we believe this information is very important to show patients so you can better understand your dental implants investment.

All-on-X Vs. Traditional Dentures

All-on-X implants and traditional dentures are both solutions for replacing missing teeth but differ significantly in design and function. All-on-X offers a permanent and stable foundation through dental implants anchored into the jawbone, promoting bone health and a more natural feel. In contrast, dentures rest atop the gums, are removable, and may lead to bone resorption over time. While All-on-X closely resembles and functions like natural teeth, dentures might impose dietary limitations and require more maintenance. Although All-on-X typically involves a higher initial investment, its longevity can make it a cost-effective solution in the long run, whereas dentures might have lower upfront costs but require periodic adjustments and replacements. The best choice hinges on individual needs, budget, and professional recommendations.

Why See an Implantologist for All-on-X Implants

Seeing an implantologist for All-on-X implants is pivotal for several reasons. Implantologists offer:

  • Specialized training
  • Experience with complex cases
  • Advanced technology
  • Minimized complications
  • Holistic approach
  • Thorough follow-up and aftercare

In summary, for a procedure as intricate and transformative as All-on-X, trusting an expert like an implantologist guarantees not only a successful procedure but also an outcome that enhances the patient's quality of life. Considering the expertise of the Implant Center of Miami, patients are assured of professional and helpful guidance every step of the way.

Before And After Case #1

A smile makeover is a combination of restoring great oral health while maintaining cosmetic beauty. The Doctors at Implant Center do this by combing natural teeth with perfect placement of natural feeling teeth such as veneers, dental implants, and more. In this case, take a look at the stunning before and after shots taken prior to treatment and after treatment.


"I’m very happy excite to have new teeth. You guys are great. I’m so happy to be able to smile again."

- Mark, Real Patient.

Before And After Case #2

Implant Center focuses on full mouth rehabilitation for patients following a high quality natural feeling approach. Rehabilitation in this case includes dental crowns, veneers, dental implants, and smile design. Your smile is back to brand new with the durability you once enjoyed. Take a look at the stunning transformation of this case.


"Thank you guys so much you guys were great!!! My mouth feels great and I get compliments about my teeth."

- Frank, Real Patient.

Traditional Implants vs. Implant Center Solution

At Implant Center of Hialeah, dental implants are one of our most popular and requested services. Because this service comes with a host of benefits, it is in extremely high demand among dental patients. Our specific dental implant services stand out from the competition because:

Traditional Implants

Implants Don’t Last Long
Average Price is $49,000
General Dentists Not Specialized in Implants
Not Certified in Implantology

Implant Center Solution

Implants Last Several Years
Price Starting at $18,000
Thousands of Implants Placed
Board Certified Oral Implantologist

Meet Our Doctors

Our doctors at Implant Center of Hialeah:

Are dental implant specialists

Are highly reviewed online

Are board-certified oral implantologists

Have multiple years of dental experience

Are ready to see your dental emergencies

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does the All-on-X procedure take?

    The surgical placement of the implants can often be completed in one appointment. However, the entire process, from consultation to final prosthetic placement, might span several months to ensure proper healing and fitting.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    Patients are typically given local or general anesthesia during the procedure, minimizing discomfort. Post-operative pain can vary but is usually manageable with prescribed pain relievers and over-the-counter methods.

  • How long do All-on-X implants last?

    With proper care and maintenance, All-on-X implants can last a lifetime. The prosthetic teeth might need replacement or adjustment over time, but the titanium implants are designed for longevity.

  • What's the maintenance routine for All-on-X?

    Much like natural teeth, they should be brushed and flossed regularly. Regular dental check-ups are also essential to ensure the health of the implants and surrounding tissues.

  • Can I eat all types of food with All-on-X implants?

    Yes, once fully healed, patients can enjoy a wide variety of foods, including those hard to eat with traditional dentures. However, it's always wise to be cautious with extremely hard or sticky items.

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Academy of General Dentistry

Academy of General Dentistry

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

The American Academy of Periodontology

The American Academy of Periodontology

American Association of Women Dentists

American Association of Women Dentists

American Dental Association

American Dental Association

Hispanic Dental Association

Hispanic Dental Association

International Congress of Oral Implantologists

International Congress of Oral Implantologists

Misch International Implant Institute

Misch International Implant Institute

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